Concept Testing
Running a concept study is an excellent way to ensure your product will resonate with your target audience. Speaking to your future users is the only way to validate that your concept or idea will be a success. It’s too risky not to! PlaybookUX provides the software to get in touch with your target demographic and test concepts.
Watch videos of people talking about your concept today
What is Concept Testing?
Concept testing is when you ask people their thoughts on a concept or idea. It’s a valuable tool to determining product-market fit. By asking participants what they think about your concept, you’ll mitigate the risk of releasing a product that falls flat of customer expectations.
Moderated Concept Study
Moderated concept testing will allow you to really dig into the customer’s behaviors and beliefs. Interviews are advantageous since you’ll be able to ask follow up questions. Moderated concept tests can be performed in-person or remotely. You’ll never have to wonder how people feel about your concept or idea. Just ask them!
Unmoderated Concept Study
Conducting a user test on your concepts will provide valuable insights. See if your concept solves a real life problem that your target users are experiencing. It’s important to run concepts by the people actually experiencing the problem. When all is said and done, you’ll receive valuable video based feedback.
Concept Testing Questions
We’ve created a comprehensive, unbiased concept question guide. Use these questions during moderated and unmoderated concept studies.
General FAQs
What is concept validation?
Concept validation includes showing your target audience a concept and getting their feedback on it.
How do you validate new concepts and ideas?
Recruit your target audience and ask them questions about their pain points. Once you understand their pain points, it will be easy to craft solutions that are applicable to what they’re experiencing.
Why does concept validation matter?
Testing a concept with your target users ensures that it won’t fall flat when it’s released to the market. It will save you valuable development time and money. By asking people about their frustrations during research sessions, you’ll be able to iterate and improve.
Does PlaybookUX allow you to perform concept testing?
Yes, we do! Test concepts, prototypes, websites and more. We help you recruit your target audience and have the software to conduct moderated and unmoderated tests.
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